Miracle Akubuo 

On Saturday, Reverend Father Solomon Mfa organized a cook-a-thon at the Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camp in Benue State to provide meals for  persons who have been affected by insecurity.

The event had a noble objective to alleviate the hunger of people who have been forced to leave their homes due to the prevailing security challenges in the region.

Located in Dauda, Benue State, the event garnered diverse reactions from Nigerians, revealing the lesser-known Benue IDP camp to many.

Facebook users have taken to Facebook to commend the actions of the Reverend Pastor.

Walter Onyedukachi hailed the father for his good works and showed grief for Benue’s failure to showcase its slogan as the ‘Food Basket of the Nation’,” he said.

He said, “If a cook-a-thon is being organized to alleviate hunger in a state that is supposed to be the food producer of Nigeria, then you will understand the mess that we are in.”

George Austin, with a hint of frustration, questioned the lingering presence of Benue’s indigenous people in the IDP camp. 

‘Nobody even talks about why our own people are still living in an IDP camp in their own country when there’s no ongoing war,” he lamented.

Henry Mark in his comment commended the Reverend Father for his commendable works before the feeding of the IDP members. 


“He has been consistent in philanthropy,” he praised. “From building schools for orphans and the homeless to providing homes for widows, Father Solomon Mfa’s dedication is truly inspiring.”

Jay Daddy emphasizing the significance of the event, saying, “The only sensible cook-a-thon held – more grace.”

Eche Oke Udosko pondered how politicians might have used such an initiative for political gain, remarking, “An idea a politician could have used to gain more support, as they normally do.”

Mbatugasi’s reaction drew a comparison between the extravagant lifestyles of certain individuals and the genuine efforts at the cook-a-thon. 

“Chef Dammy and her pastor should take a page from this book,” he remarked. “It’s not about bodyguards, but about addressing real issues.”

Ifemomachi saw an opportunity for sponsorship and investment, “Where are those that want to sponsor Dammy? Here is a very good place to invest in something meaningful,” she suggested.

Moreso, a user with the name ‘Biafra’ questioned the government’s handling of the displaced Benue camp members. 

“Why are people still in the IDP camps? Why has the Nigerian government failed to resettle them in their ancestral land? Why are others occupying their homes?” he said.

Paul Ode Replenish expressed his gratitude for the Reverend Father’s actions, stating, “More of such activities will be of great help and set a good record to break. Others should learn from him.”

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