In response to the disagreements between the Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU and the Federal Government, Nigerian students have shared their opinions as regards the no work, no payment policy of the government towards the union.

The students expressed their opinions in an interview with the harbinger, explaining that they are the grass suffering while the two elephants of ASUU and FG are fighting.

Recall that the Federal Government said it has met the Union’s 80% demand and explained that the 6 month spent at home would not be paid, meanwhile ASUU has responded that the government has not met the demand and insisted that the 6 months salary should be paid.

In light of this, the Harbinger had interview with some of the students and their reactions are as follows;

A student of Uthman Danfodio University, Mazeed Muktar Oyeleye noted that if the government has not failed in their duties in the first place, there won’t be a strike.

He said “I feel the government should pay ASUU the accrued salaries. There wouldn’t have been any strike if the government hadn’t been slack in its duties and it would be brazen irresponsibility for the government to punish ASUU by withholding their salaries for reacting this way. Also, I think the government has been paying ASUU salaries for months they were on strike in previous years’

A 300 level Student of Adekunle Ajasin University Akungba akoko, Kafeelah Yusuf noted that it is not ideal to collect the salary they didn’t work for.

“It should be work before payment, they can’t collect money for the work they didn’t do, they should also bear the brunt for wasting the students’ time at home”

While expressing his opinion, a final year student of Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba akoko noted that the lecturers are participating in other activities, hence they should be paid.

He said “FG should pay ASUU their seven months  salary, because prior to ASUU going on strike, they gave the federal government  warning notice before they embark on the strike. Ordinarily, if FG takes education crucial this strike will not have been extended to this month. 

He noted that the government is paying attention to other things, neglecting  the students at home. 

“If you take a look at it well, when the aviation sector threatened to go on strike immediately they find solutions to it because they are affected. Why did they ignore the education sector?”

It makes no sense at all. ASUU does not teach alone; they are into Community services and research.  I will urge the FG to invest in education and make our lecturer happy so that they can impact”

 “Honestly FG and state have disrupted the education system. when I ponder over it I feel so bad. Awolowo fought for free education and he did it. many of our leaders enjoyed quality and free school during awolowo, but now nothing like that”.

A student of Uthman Danfodio University, Promise Eze explained that strike action means keeping away from school, which literally means no work.

His words, “Well, even the layman understands that strike means keeping away from work so doing any other work whether it be research or community service during the strike period, it is irrelevant and inconsequential and do not deserve momentary rewards from the government”

A 200 level Student of Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba akoko Emmanuel Peter explained that the Lecturers should be paid because that is what they are employed for.

“You can’t employ someone and let him/her die with hunger, they are demanding a withheld salary because they need to eat and they have family to feed”

Moreso, a recent graduate of Adekunle Ajasin University, Micheal Philip who complained ASUU Strike has delayed him from getting his result, noted that the Union does not deserve to be paid, stating that they have delayed the students progress and achievements.

His words  “This is really bad, I still wonder how we get here, a country  full of  educated  fools  and failed generations, ever since  ASUU  has  been on this  strike  I knew that  nothing  good will  come out  of  this,  because  what they portrayed is totally out of  hand, now to the case of demanding for the  salary they did not work  for.

He said “they did not  deserve any payment  because they too have  delayed  the  progress and  achievements of  Nigeria students because of  their  own  selfish  interests”

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