Amodu Eniola

Endocrinologists caution against the perils of consuming sugary foods and beverages, stressing their link to skin aging, skin tag formation, and a host of non-communicable diseases including diabetes, metabolic disorders, obesity, and certain cancers.

They emphasize how excess sugar can degrade essential proteins like collagen and elastin, crucial for maintaining skin structure and elasticity, potentially leading to premature wrinkles, darkening, and the appearance of skin tags.

While acknowledging skin tags as noncancerous growths often found on body parts like eyelids, neck, and arms, experts underscore how factors such as diabetes, insulin resistance, and obesity, exacerbated by excessive sugar consumption, can contribute to their development.

Furthermore, the World Health Organization (WHO) underscores the association between high sugar intake and diseases like obesity, diabetes, and heart diseases, recommending a reduction in daily sugar consumption to mitigate health risks.

Professors of Medicine from Ahmadu Bello University and Bayero University, respectively, affirm the adverse effects of excessive sugar intake on skin health, emphasizing its role in premature ageing, skin tag formation, and the onset of various diseases. They stress the importance of collagen and elastin in preserving skin integrity, cautioning against the breakdown induced by sugar consumption, which can lead to increased pigmentation, wrinkles, and sagging skin.

Experts call for broader societal shifts towards healthier lifestyles to alleviate the burden on healthcare systems. Additionally, they urge parents to limit sugar intake in children and advocate for healthier eating habits and active lifestyles to mitigate the long-term health consequences associated with excessive sugar consumption.

Public reaction to these warnings has been varied.

James Ajulo commented, “Sugar is not even affordable now, never mind,” suggesting that the high cost of sugar makes it less of a concern for some.

Francis Adesunloye Ambrose remarked, “Na who get money dey buy sugar now,” implying that sugar-related diseases primarily affect the wealthy.

Goke Martin stated, “High consumption of sugar is a slow killer,” reiterating the dangers of excessive sugar intake. Baron Joe dismissed the warnings as “Stories,” reflecting a more carefree attitude.

Kam So said, “Tell them… Let them keep drinking and eating sugar,” sarcastically encouraging increased awareness of the message.



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